Born to Boss is a clothing & accessories Brand that was created to inspire and empower people of all ages to take back their power and BOSS their life.
Often people are put in categories like entrepreneurs, housewife, employee, student, unemployed, right away based on the category you are in.
People have a perception of your level of POWER/AUTHORITY and WEALTH. With a tendency to think that an entrepreneur has more power than an housewife, that an employee might never become a BOSS. Even if it is only an unconscious perception, it does exist!
BORN TO BOSS is more than a name on a T-shirt or a Mug is a way to show and break the code of our society and this unconscious perception and SAY, EVERYBODY is BORN TO BOSS! We are ALL the BOSS of our LIFE!
From the student to the housewife passing by the unemployed to the entrepreneurs, we do have the POWER to BOSS and if sometimes life throws rocks at us, TAKE your POWER BACK…DO NOT GIVE UP and REPEAT